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Sardinia is the main subject treated by this site, it's an almost forgotten island lying in the Mediterranean Sea, far from the world's main commercial and industrial routes.

In spite of this it's a wonderful place and a lot of people from all over the world love it. This rough and sweet island presses an indelible mark on the visitors' heart and is constantly in the thoughts of the Sardinians who left the island and migrated to the four corners of the world.

For this reason we think that the events and the beauties of this country deserve to be told to all the people in their own language. In English, certainly, that's the most spoken language in the western world, but why not in Albanian or Zwaili?

In 1997 the first three friends: Jenny Setchell, Giovanni Falconi and Lucia Pannese contacted us through the Internet and voluntarily helped us translating some pages of the site in English, Sardinian and German respectively. After them many more friends translated the homepage and some of the other pages of the site into an incredible number of languages. Thanks a lot to them all. At the moment the homepage is translated into 35 different languages and maybe it represents a world record. And we will not stop here, believe me.

As has happened with previous great Empires of the past (the ancient Greeks and Romans) who diffused their language throughout the known world of the time, today  the language of the U.S.A. has become the most internationally spoken.  It means that we can use it to communicate pratically with every people of the world. Imagine how difficult it would be to communicate through the Net without using  English!  In spite of this we cannot forget that our planet is inhabited by hundreds of different nationalities, all with their own traditions, cultures and languages.  With the excuse of a more productive way to carry on international commercial relationships, it would be deplorable that we should sacrifice the inestimable value represented by these different cultures,  EVEN THE SMALLEST ONES.  So these pages are also a way to remind us that in this world of so many cultures,  all of them have the same right to be preserved, as do the dominating ones.     

We hope that more people will offer their contribution by  translating at least one page in whatever their language, none excluded.

We hope that more people will offer their contribution translating at least one page in whatever language, none excluded.

We'll be happy to receive your help. Send us a message!

Giorgio Plazzotta
Isola Sarda Webmaster

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Isola Sarda 1997-2005 - Associazione Culturale Ciberterra - Responsabile: Giorgio Plazzotta
I contenuti appartengono ai rispettivi autori - Tutti i diritti riservati
The contents belong to the respective authors - All rights reserved